Luxury consumer optimism surges, spending behavior remains cautious- Saks report

The survey, fielded in January, found that optimism regarding the economy grew to 48%, up 12% from the previous survey conducted in October 2023. Similarly, 57% of…

Wedding guests now spending on average £100 on their outfit, says report

The finding comes as nearly half (49%) of all adults have attended at least one part of a wedding in the last three years, proving that the…

Meghan Markle makes gold sales sparkle

The first three months of the year were the strongest first quarter for gold jewellery demand in the United States since 2009, according to the World Gold…

Cambodia’s Hun Sen eases pressure on unions, as EU sanctions threat looms

The EU began a formal procedure last month to strip Cambodia of its “Everything but Arms (EBA)” initiative, following a July general election that returned Hun Sen…

Puig receives 4 million euros from Saphir for trademark infringement

Puig announced on Thursday that the sum will be paid in full before the end of 2018. Furthermore, Saphir and its affiliates must cease and desist from…

EU starts proceedings against Britain over customs fraud

The request, one of a number of European Union “infringement procedures” against EU countries announced on Thursday, said Britain had failed to address the scam between 2011…

Height of fashion- Clothes mountains build up as recycling breaks down

The multi-billion-dollar trade in second-hand clothing helps prevent the global fashion industry’s growing pile of waste going straight to landfill, while keeping wardrobes clear for next season’s…